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9 key priorities within our Island’s social foundations and ecological ceilings have been identified.


The Island is at a huge crossroads. There are really exciting possibilities with devolved powers, transport co-ordination, biosphere innovation, and our fantastic creative industries, and we have some big challenges and priority areas with housing, underinvestment in our young people, social isolation and loneliness, as well as climate change impact on our land and in our waters.


We need people representing us at every level, who believe in collaboration, positive impact and practical action, to make the most of these opportunities.



Town, Parish and Community Councils are sometimes called Municipal or Local Councils.


The Isle of Wight Council is a Unitary Authority and is described as a ‘principal authority’ as it delivers statutory services.


The Island’s parish network is coordinated by the Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils (IWALC)



Useful Resources

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Learn more about our UNESCO biosphere principles and the wonderful work that is going into building a thriving Island. 

IOW Biosphere Principles

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Learn more about the Island’s 9 priorities as informed by a year long research‭ process using the Doughnut Economics tool set. ‬

Engagement for Town & Parish Councils

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The better Island project lays out the need for change now to ensure our young people on the Island will have opportunities here in the future.

15 Years

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Pioneering a new nature economy and a prosperous Future for all. A public summary of the beacon project bid to the Dream Fund 2025. 


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How do we Improve and enrich everyday lived experience for all. Sustain this change and grow a better future for the Island?

Chapter 25

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A workbook designed as a distance

learning aid for local councillors. It is intended to provide insight and assistance into key skills which will help you to be most effective

in your role when working with town and parish councils and councillors.

A Councillors Workbook on Town & Parish Councils

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The Rural Services Network is a Special Interest Group of the Local Government Association.  it is a membership organisation and works on behalf of its members as the national champion for rural services. 

Rural Housing

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HARAH's main purpose is to provide high quality affordable housing that meets local needs identified in Hampshire villages and in doing so, help to build sustainable communities.

Rural Housing for Rural People

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Citizen Network formed as a response to a need for an inspiring vision of a better future where we are all equal citizens. A need for information, connections, support and encouragement. A need to carry forward the values of inclusion for future generations. 

Citizen Network

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A movement working for a community land trust in every community that wants one. Mainstreaming the community ownership of land for affordable housing and other assets in public policy and market practice.

Community Land Trust Network

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A design guide exploring what we might think of when we build,

whether we are a developer, housing association or an individual homeowner extending their kitchen.

Building Tomorrow's Rural Communities

public summary of the beacon project bid to the Dream Fund

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